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my life

scary story -An old hotel in Sendai vol.4

【怖い話】④仙台の昭和なビジネスホテル - ネコヤマンガ Tada! One side of the wall was a mirrored. Yikes! This must have been a love hotel before! The bed, oddly neatly arranged, smelled of dust. It must have been unused for a long time. I wa…

scary story -An old hotel in Sendai vol.3

previous マンガ→ 【怖い話】⓷仙台の昭和なビジネスホテル - ネコヤマンガ It seems like employees who hides things that should never be said to customers while speaking in front of customers↘︎ 306? 306... Ok, Somethi…

scary story - Sendai hotel 2 A few days before that, there was a big earthquake. The Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake, which occurred on June 14, 2008, had a maximum seismic intensity of 6 upper and a magnitude of 7.2, killing 17 people. I was in th…

scary story - An old business hotel in Sendai

It was June 2008, and I was staying in Sendai for a long time on business. The season of fresh green…Zelkova trees along Jozenji-dori where young leaves sprout… At that time, I belonged to a band that performed music for children, and was …